zubatrading.com or Carlos Zubai or zubai international pty ltd

Aug 15

+++Thank you for allowing us to help you and reduce the amount of victims of online fraud – This email below is a scam intended to harm your computer or defraud you of money. Please do not click on any links or involve yourself with these scammers+++

-The ScamChex Team


Dear Sir/Madam,

We have sent you our purchase order which we discussed,unfortunately
we did not hear anything from your side till today.

Enlcosed, please find attached our order. We are contacting you again
just to know your last price and if we reach agreement with you
onquantity and your last prices, then you will send your proforma
Invoice to us so that we will sign the PI and return it to you to
start production.
To get full details of our order including required quantity please
login to the below link with your email ID and password

http:/ /sixi66si… [DO NOT CLICK THE LINK]

Note that for reasons of copyright and trademark, we have personally
configured the attached file to be only accesible by your email only.

Do not share information with 3rd parties or use our sample products on your

Carlos Zubai
zubai international pty ltd
