zubatrading.com or Carlos Zubai or zubai international pty ltd

Aug 15

+++Thank you for allowing us to help you and reduce the amount of victims of online fraud – This email below is a scam intended to harm your computer or defraud you of money. Please do not click on any links or involve yourself with these scammers+++

-The ScamChex Team


Dear Sir/Madam,

We have sent you our purchase order which we discussed,unfortunately
we did not hear anything from your side till today.

Enlcosed, please find attached our order. We are contacting you again
just to know your last price and if we reach agreement with you
onquantity and your last prices, then you will send your proforma
Invoice to us so that we will sign the PI and return it to you to
start production.
To get full details of our order including required quantity please
login to the below link with your email ID and password

http:/ /sixi66si… [DO NOT CLICK THE LINK]

Note that for reasons of copyright and trademark, we have personally
configured the attached file to be only accesible by your email only.

Do not share information with 3rd parties or use our sample products on your

Carlos Zubai
zubai international pty ltd


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Paypal Email Scam – Phishing via link attachment

Mar 07

+++Thank you for allowing us to help you and reduce the amount of victims of online fraud – This email below is a scam intended to harm your computer or defraud you of money. Please do not click on any links or involve yourself with these scammers+++

-The ScamChex Team



We need your help

Dear Customer,

We need your help resolving an issue with your account. To give us time to
work together on this, we’ve temporarily limited what you can do with your
account until the issue is resolved.

We understand it may be frustrating not to have full access to your
account. We want to work with you to get your account back to normal as
quickly as possible.

What’s the problem?

We need a little bit more information about you to help confirm your

Case ID Number: PP-259-187-991

How you can help

Download The Attachment and Confirm Your Account

Yours sincerely,

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Phishing Scam – Credit Advice – D001789 from premise@momix.org

Mar 06

+++Thank you for allowing us to help you and reduce the amount of victims of online fraud – This email below is a scam intended to harm your computer or defraud you of money. Please do not click on any links or involve yourself with these scammers+++

-The ScamChex Team



Attached please find credit advice.

Best regards,

KeyBank National Association
Global Trade Services Group
Westmont, IL Phone: 866-266-9170, Fax: 877 888 0328
Bellevue, WA Phone: 866 266 9612, Fax: 877 888 0328

This communication may contain privileged and/or confidential information. It is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing or using any of this information. If you received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its entirety, whether electronic or hard copy. This communication may contain nonpublic personal information about consumers subject to the restrictions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. You may not directly or indirectly reuse or redisclose such information for any purpose other than to provide the services for which you are receiving the information. 127 Public Square, Cleveland, OH 44114

If you prefer not to receive future e-mail offers for products or services from Key
send an e-mail to mailto:DNERequests@key.com with ‘No Promotional E-mails’ in the


Known as: Momix scam, Momix.com scam, credit advice scam

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E-Commerce Email Scam – FEDEX Tracking Details – Manager David Roy ;

Mar 04

+++Thank you for allowing us to help you – This email below is a scam intended to harm your computer or defraud you of money. Please do not click on any links or involve yourself with these scammers+++

-The ScamChex Team



Tracking ID: 7089-65375699
Date: Monday, 18 February 2013, 10:22 AM

Dear Client,
Your parcel has arrived at February 25.Courier was unable to deliver the parcel to you at 25 February 06:33 PM.
To receive your parcel, please, print this receipt and go to the nearest office.

Print Receipt
Best Regards, The FedEx Team.
FedEx 1995-2013

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Notification of Pedophile Activity for your area

Mar 04

+++Thank you for allowing us to help you and reduce the amount of victims of online fraud – This email below is a scam intended to harm your computer or defraud you of money. Please do not click on any links or involve yourself with these scammers+++

-The ScamChex Team




Plain Text in this email:

In order to click on this email please click “not spam”.
Sex Offender Activity Alert from Kids Live Safe Family Protection Services

You are receiving this email because we have detected Sex Offender activity in your area. If you would like to know who they are, where they live and how you can protect your family from sexual predators please click here.

NOTE: the website you are about to access contains actual sex offender information. Please use extreme caution when utilizing this service. Learning the truth about who lives near your family can be shocking and disturbing. By proceeding you agree to utilize Kids Live Safe solely for informational purposes and to protect your children and loved ones.
I understand and want to proceed >>>



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Our Mission

Jan 31

Scamchex.com was founded by a group of established E-commerce Merchants in response to a growing number of online scams to defraud and steal from their innocent victims. Our goal is to provide a forum of open communication to identify and publish methods and examples of online scams in order to hopefully protect our readers from financial loss as a result of these unscrupulous scammers.

Join our site today, post your advisories and help us stay one step ahead of these bad guys!

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